Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Militant Anti-Union Waukesha School Board Member Featured in Walker Ad

The Nation Magazine’s John Nichols had this important tidbit on Karin Rajnicek, the Waukesha school board member featured in Scott Walker’s “working together” “repeat a lie often” ad. Sly in the Morning:

In a letter to the Waukesha Patch, Rajnicek wrote this self righteous attack teachers and unions:
I am the only candidate truly separated from the teachers unions. A portion of my response to their endorsement, "The relationships between our board members and your union have gone too far to try to place divisions in what seems to be so simple – the best possible education for our children PLEASE DO NOT ENDORSE ME UNDER YOUR UNION!" Changes are coming. Waukesha needs new leaders with integrity and courage to make the right decisions for our kids and our schools.

Additionally, Blogging Blue noticed this possible infraction:
Did Karin Rajnicek, a Waukesha School Board Member violate school district policy?  It appears she did. Back in 2010 the Waukesha School Board implemented a very clear policy. “[B]oard members should not discuss anything learned in closed session until such matters become part of open meetings, she said. In addition, she said the policy reminds members that when they’re talking to the news media and public, they should speak only for themselves and not for the eight other board members.” Ms. Rajnicek spoke as a member of the school board and not for herself.

And incidentally, her claim of 25 schools in her district is factually wrong. Waukesha has … 27.  A school board member who can’t add and who supports Governor Walker.  You can’t make this stuff up. 
From the Waukesha Patch:

1 comment:

  1. Good job on selective editing. School board members should not speak to the media in an attempt to represent an opinion of the entire school board. It is clear she is stating her own opinions, not those of the entire board.
